_40602852_bio_bonethree203.jpg Eeewwwwwwww. Or… is it really unique and cool? Hard to say πŸ™‚ Whatever your take, you have to admit this is pretty unusual. Kinda like when Angelina and Billy Bob had those vials of blood around there neck, but less creepy πŸ™‚Β  BBC story.. LINK

Couples are being given the opportunity to exchange jewellery made from samples of their bone grown in the laboratory.

Scientists obtain bone cells from wisdom teeth and then grow them on a “scaffold” material in the lab.

The efforts are part of a collaboration between scientists and artists aiming to learn how to craft complex shapes from bone tissue.

Examples are to go on display at an exhibition at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital in London.

I would get sent photographs of the material as it was growing so in some sense I felt an emotional connection to the process

Harriet Harriss

Harriet Harriss and Matt Harrison, one of five couples involved in the project, have just been presented with their rings made from their bone cells.

“I do think it’s interesting that I’ve only been in contact with bone when it’s been in my dinner,” said Harriet, “So it’s intriguing to have my own bone, my own matter objectified in this way and made into something precious and symbolic.

Her partner Matt told BBC News: “When you think about it for a while, it’s like ivory but more ethical, and the material has never been part of Harriet, just grown from her code taken from her body.